Inspiration Through Prayer
Benedictine is pleased to share our prayers with you. Please feel free to use them to open or close meetings, to bless meals, before events, to establish a foundation for discussion, or for your personal use.
Prayers For
Daily Prayers
Day 8: January 25
Bible reading: Ephesians 4:1-6
Blest be God, Creator of all.
Blest be Jesus, the Christ, our Redeemer.
Blest be their Spirit of Holiness.
Confirm us in faith.
Strengthen us in hope.
Inspire us with love.
Unite us as we lift up our hearts
in glory and praise to You.
AMEN. Alleluia!
Day 7: January 24
Bible reading: Joel 2:28-29 (some versions 3:1)
Ever living and ever loving God,
You sent Jesus to bring us the Good News of salvation.
Help us to follow the example of Christ among us.
Send your Spirit of Understanding
as we abandon doubts and fears.
May we foster our dreams for peace and unity
among all people
today and every day forever.
Day 6: January 23
Bible reading: Romans 5:1-5
Nurturing God, source of all hope,
You send gifts of grace to all people in every age.
Free us from doubt and despair.
Stretch our vision for love and unity
for we are restless until we find your peace.
Help us truly live as brothers and sisters
with compassionate care for all.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Day 5: January 22
Bible reading: Luke 10:21
Praise, honor and glory to God.
We see the mystery of your goodness in all creation.
Thank you for the multitude of cultures,
languages, traditions and peoples in every age.
Reconcile and unite us in Christ
through your Spirit of Wisdom
both now and for ever.
Day 4: January 21
Bible reading: Psalm 103: 11-12
God of Compassion,
You temper justice with mercy.
Teach us how to seek forgiveness
and to forgive others.
Strengthen our search for unity
and knit us together in reconciliation.
We ask this through your Son
and in your Holy Spirit
for ever and ever.
Day 3: January 20
Bible reading: Romans 8:15-17
Blest are You, loving God
You have chosen us in Christ
Send your Spirit to unite us
to witness to responsible freedom
and live as one family of faith.
Heal our divisions
to the glory of your holy name.
Day 2: January 19
Bible reading: 1 Peter 2:9-10
Holy Trinity, Father, Son and Spirit,
You call us to holiness in community.
You are the source and model of unity.
Help us to respect our differences,
and love one another.
Enrich our lives with your vast gifts of life
both now and forever.
Day 1: January 18
Bible reading: Numbers 6:22-27
Blest are you, God of the Universe.
You sent Jesus to be the Morning Star of Peace.
May your light shine on us
and guide us in the paths of love.
Give us strength to work together
and serve you in one another.
Glory be to you now and forever.
January 28
Saint Thomas Aquinas
priest, teacher, doctor of the church
Almighty God,
You called Saint Thomas Aquinas to great learning,
but guided him in the ways
of humility and holiness.
Like Saint Thomas, may we consider the cross of Christ
to be an example of love
and patience in suffering.
Help us to listen to your Word
now and forever.
Saint Thomas Aquinas, PRAY FOR US.
January 25
Conversion of Saint Paul
God of surprises,
You met Saint Paul along his journey through life,
and gave him faith to believe in Jesus.
Help us to see our failings
and to change our ways to witness with truth.
Nothing is impossible with Your grace.
We trust in You, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
Saint Paul, PRAY FOR US.
January 24
Saint Francis of Sales
bishop, administrator, Patron of the Catholic Press
Gracious God, author of all life,
You generously give gifts of inspiration to people.
Saint Francis of Sales wrote that devotion helps us
to become more peaceful and our work more pleasant.
May this gentle saint help us to become holy
and relate to one another with compassion and love.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ
Saint Francis of Sales, PRAY FOR US.
January 22
Saint Vincent
deacon, martyr
God of loving kindness,
Your grace supports us through trying difficulties.
May the example of Saint Vincent
inspire us with courage to endure
daily trials and hardships with patience.
May his suffering and death
give us all encouragement
to live the values of Jesus, the Christ,
both now and forever.
Saint Vincent, PRAY FOR US.
January 21
Saint Agnes
youth, virgin, martyr
God, hidden in the human heart,
You call people of all ages to heroic virtue.
You choose the weak and vulnerable
to challenge the strong and powerful.
May Saint Agnes inspire us with faith
to live the mission and values we hold
both now and forever.
Saint Agnes, PRAY FOR US.
January 7
Saint Raymond
priest, administrator
Merciful God,
You reveal your love for us through the saints.
As a capable administrator,
Saint Raymond safeguarded
the rights and freedom of all.
Bless all who minister to others
with the gift of compassion.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Saint Raymond, PRAY FOR US.
January 4
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
wife, mother, widow, religious founder of the American Sisters of Charity
Nurturing God,
in every land you call men and women to model virtue.
May the example of Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton
as wife, mother of ten children, widow
and Sister of Charity, inspire us.
Bless all people who work in service to others.
Give us loving and grateful hearts
for everyone who helps us to live fully
today and everyday,
through Christ our Lord.
Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, PRAY FOR US.
February 3
February 3
Saint Blasé
bishop, martyr
God of understanding,
Your Son, Jesus, came to teach us about suffering.
As we honor Saint Blasé,
may he intercede for all who suffer
from ailments of the throat.
Heal also the spiritual diseases of the throat
like unkind speech, lies and curses.
Grant this through Jesus, the Christ,
now and forever.
Saint Blasé, PRAY FOR US.
February 10
February 10
Saint Scholastica
monastic, founder
Ever-faithful God,
to show us the beauty of holiness,
You caused the soul of Saint Scholastica
to go up into heaven in the form of a dove.
Help us to trust that our prayers are heard.
May the example of Saint Scholastica
show us how to live in peace and purity of heart.
May we one day arrive at the heavenly banquet
where you and the Holy Spirit live and reign
through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saint Scholastica, PRAY FOR US.
March 17
March 17
Saint Patrick
Adapted prayer of Saint Patrick
May the strength of God guide me this day.
May the wisdom of God instruct me,
the eye of God watch over me;
the ear of God hear me;
the Word of God inspire me;
the hand of God defend me;
and may I follow the way of God.
Christ be with me, Christ before me,
Christ be after me, Christ within me,
Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ at my right hand, Christ at my left.
May Christ be in the heart of everyone who thinks of me,
in the mouth of everyone who speaks to me,
the eye that sees me, the ear that hears me.
Saint Patrick, PRAY FOR US.
March 19
March 19
Saint Joseph
husband, foster-father, carpenter
God, our Father,
You give us models of how to give effective parenting.
May the example of Saint Joseph,
husband of Mary, and foster-father of Jesus,
show us how to be a family.
Call forth guardians of children
and loyal husbands to cherish their wives.
Bless all carpenters and builders
and help us all to die a happy death.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Christ
Saint Joseph, PRAY FOR US.
March 21
March 21
Saint Benedict
abbot, founder, monastic
Raise up, O Lord, among us, the spirit wherewith
our holy father Saint Benedict was animated.
That filled with the same we may live
the values that he lived
and practice what he taught.
Help us to balance our lives with prayer, work and leisure.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Saint Benedict, PRAY FOR US.
March 25
March 25
“Our Lady’s Day”
The Angelus (Luke 1:26-38)
The Angel of the Lord declared to Mary:
And she conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art
thou among women and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,
Jesus. Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now
and at the hour of our death.
Behold the handmaid of the Lord: Be it done unto me according
to Thy word. Hail Mary
And the Word was made Flesh: And dwelt among us. Hail Mary
Pray for us, O Holy Mother of God, that we may be made
worthy of the promises of Christ
Let us pray:
Pour forth, we beseech Thee, O Lord, Thy grace into
our hearts that we, to whom the incarnation of Christ,
Your Son, was made known by the message of an angel,
may by His Passion and Cross be brought to the glory of
His Resurrection, through the same Christ Our Lord.
April 23
April 23
Saint George
martyr, hero
Blest are you, God of the universe,
your graces flow abundantly in every age.
May Saint George inspire us to conquer our fears.
Help us to be brave and witness
to the suffering and death of Christ,
upholding our mission and values.
We ask this in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.
Saint George, PRAY FOR US.
April 25
Saint Mark
evangelist, secretary of Peter
Nurturing God,
You provide for our body, mind and spirit.
We praise you for Saint Mark,
companion and secretary of an apostle,
who was privileged to proclaim the gospel.
May we be inspired by his wisdom
and follow Christ more faithfully.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Saint Mark, PRAY FOR US.
April 29
April 29
Saint Catherine of Siena
virgin, doctor
God of all tenderness,
You sent your Son, Jesus, to show us how to live.
With the example of Saint Catherine,
who suffered a stroke and died at age 33,
help us to find strength
to endure our sufferings.
May we learn to find you, Lord God,
in the midst of pain and discomfort.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Saint Catherine, PRAY FOR US.
May 1
May 1
Saint Joseph
The worker, carpenter
Lord God, Creator of the Universe,
we praise You and thank You for sharing Your goodness.
Teach us by the example of Saint Joseph,
to value the dignity of work.
Bless the work of our hands
and give us grateful hearts
for all who serve our needs.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ
Saint Joseph, PRAY FOR US.
May 3
May 3
Saints Philip and James
Nurturing God,
Your Son, Jesus, created a little community of apostles.
Saints Philip and James answered
the call to discipleship.
Enlighten our understanding of our call
and help us to be fervent in responding with love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saints Philip and James, PRAY FOR US.
May 14
May 14
Saint Matthias
God of Wisdom,
You send Your Spirit of discernment in every age.
Since the choice fell to Saint Matthias
to be one of the twelve apostles,
help us to accept our lot in life.
Deepen our faith to proclaim
the healing love of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saint Matthias, PRAY FOR US.
May 15
May 15
Saint Isidore
The farmer
Loving God, Creator of the universe,
You call people to till the soil and care for the earth.
May Saint Isidore intercede for all farmers
that crops may abound upon the earth.
Help us to foster greenness and to respect the laws of nature.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.
Saint Isidore, PRAY FOR US.
May 25
May 25
Saint Bede
scholar, monk, priest
Who knows the mind of God?
Who can understand God’s knowledge and wisdom?
(Sirach 18:2)
Eternal God of the Universe,
we praise You for Your marvelous revelation.
May venerable Bede inspire us to study
and learn from past experience.
Grant us the wisdom to know our own ignorance.
Help us to be life-long learners.
In Jesus’ name we ask this now and forever.
Saint Bede, PRAY FOR US.
June 1
June 1
Saint Justin
Jesus, the Christ,
We thank You and praise You
for suffering, dying and rising to new life.
Help us to understand the message of Saint Justin,
that God’s favor rests on all who lead good lives.
Like our honored saint,
may we seek the truth
and be faithful to our beliefs.
Bless us with the wisdom of Your cross
this day and every day
both now and forever.
Saint Justin, PRAY FOR US.
June 5
June 5
Saint Boniface
monk & apostle to Germany
Ever-living and ever-loving God,
In every land You show Your divine guidance and care.
May we, like Saint Boniface, witness and proclaim
the saving love of Jesus.
Create a Spirit of Hospitality in our hearts
to welcome even the stranger
and the estranged in our midst
May we help to nurture health of all
in body, mind and spirit.
In the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Boniface, PRAY FOR US.
June 6
June 6
Saint Norbert
monk & martyr
Christ, the Good Shepherd,
Your loving care extends to the lost and forgotten ones.
As Saint Norbert was converted from wealth and luxury
to spiritual renewal, send Your Spirit of love
to gently soften the hardness of our hearts.
Help us to value a simple lifestyle
and become messengers of Your peace.
May Gospel values be our guide
both now and forever.
Saint Norbert, PRAY FOR US.
June 11
June 11
Saint Barnabas
disciple, preacher
Great and wonderful God of the Universe,
In every age, You call disciples to proclaim Your Good News.
Strengthen our faith,
so that, like Saint Barnabas,
we may give encouragement to others.
Bless us this day with a Spirit of Zeal,
to listen to Your Word of love
especially in the people that we meet.
This we ask in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Saint Barnabus, PRAY FOR US.
June 13
June 13
Saint Anthony of Padua
Glorious God of all time,
Your goodness extends to all peoples and nations.
May Saint Anthony help us to find ourselves
and anything that is lost or forgotten.
May our words teach and our actions speak
with kindness and gentleness.
Help us to be patient with all of our problems.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
Saint Anthony, PRAY FOR US.
June 21
June 21
Saint Aloysius Gonzaga
God of all seasons,
Your many gifts are as varied
as spring, summer, fall and winter.
May Saint Aloysius be our model
of prayerful faith and purity of heart.
Keep us ever young in spirit.
May we care for each other
as Saint Aloysius cared for the sick.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Saint Aloysius, PRAY FOR US.
June 22
June 22
Saint John Fisher & Saint Thomas More
Holy God of Mystery,
You inspire goodness, truth and beauty.
Give us courage to proclaim our faith
by the witness of our lives.
As Saints John Fisher and Thomas More
stood by their convictions,
may we live by the guidance
of our conscience.
both now and forever.
Saint John Fisher, PRAY FOR US.
Saint Thomas More, PRAY FOR US.
June 24
June 24
The Birth of John the Baptist
Great God of the Covenant,
You always find ways to be in the midst of Your people.
You sent Saint John the Baptist
to call people to prayer and penance,
preparing the way for Jesus, the Messiah.
Save us from doubts and confusion.
Prepare our hearts for the coming of the Holy One.
Bless us with strong faith, enduring hope
and abiding love
all the days of our life.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord.
Saint John the Baptist, PRAY FOR US.
June 27
June 27
Saint Cyril of Alexandria
Merciful God,
You can reveal Your loving kindness even in controversy.
Keep us faithful to your commandments,
like Saint Cyril.
Brighten our day with the presence of dedicated people.
Help us to lift the burdens of others
with a smile and a good word.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord.
Saint Cyril, PRAY FOR US.
June 28
June 28
Saint Irenaeus
bishop & martyr
God of Truth,
We praise and thank you for Your wonderful revelation to us.
May we seek unity and peace like Saint Irenaeus,
and guard against all falsehood and lies.
At the beginning of this new day,
fill us with joy and peace.
Renew us in faith
and help us to honor You with our lives.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
both now and forever.
Saint Irenaeus, PRAY FOR US.
June 29
June 29
Saints Peter & Paul
Jesus, the Messiah of God,
You called ordinary people to be your special friends.
May Saint Peter and Saint Paul teach us
how to follow You in love.
Give us a clear understanding of our own faults,
and help us to tolerate those of other people.
Fill us with enthusiasm for Your divine Word.
Bless us with a spirit of zealous mission
proclaiming that You are the Lord God.
In Your holy name we pray.
Saint Peter, PRAY FOR US.
Saint Paul, PRAY FOR US.
July 3
July 3
Saint Thomas
God of all Faithfulness,
We praise and thank You for Your presence among us.
Like Saint Thomas, we sometimes have doubts.
Heal our wounds of disbelief
and help us to cry, “My Lord and my God.”
Increase our faith and hope
that we may follow Christ whole heartedly,
all the days of our lives.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and forever.
Saint Thomas, PRAY FOR US.
July 4
July 4
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
wife & mother
Heavenly Father,
Glory be to You for family relationships.
Give us courage to work for peace,
as Saint Elizabeth did,
that we may be called Your holy people.
Strengthen the bonds of marriage
with Your gift of reconciliation and peace.
May our charity extend to the poor,
as well as children in need.
Give us the will to be peacemakers,
through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
Saint Elizabeth, PRAY FOR US.
July 6
July 6
Saint Maria Goretti
child & virgin
Loving Lord Jesus,
While on earth You gathered little children to Yourself.
Enliven in us a love of spiritual values
that we may be models for all children.
May we pursue the virtue of purity
through the example of Saint Maria Goretti.
Give us Your Spirit of forgiveness
and understanding of human weakness.
This we ask in Your holy name.
Saint Maria Goretti, PRAY FOR US.
July 11
July 11
Saint Benedict
Blest are You, God, Ruler of the Universe!
Your love and compassion extends to all.
You raised up Saint Benedict
who inspired practical direction
for living the common life.
With a balance of prayer, work and leisure,
we are called to live with moderation.
Help us to discern Your wisdom and knowledge
and apply Your values to our time and place.
This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit
both now and forever.
Saint Benedict, PRAY FOR US.
July 13
July 13
Saint Henry
King of Germany
Almighty God,
You are faithful in every age.
Today, we remember Saint Henry’s words,
“To serve God is to rule.”
Give us strength of character
to be honest and upright
in all that we say and do.
Help us to think before we act.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
both now and forever.
Saint Henry, PRAY FOR US.
July 14
July 14
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
“Lily of the Mohawks”
Gracious God,
You give faith and hope to all people.
You call all of us to be saints.
While suffering abuse,
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
lived a life of great holiness.
Show us a way to transform our distress
to Your honor and glory.
Help us to remember all people
who are less fortunate than we are.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, PRAY FOR US.
July 15
July 15
Saint Bonaventure
bishop, doctor
All-wise and All-powerful God,
Your mercy extends to the ends of the earth.
Although Saint Bonaventure
was known for his learning and preaching,
he is remembered also for kindness and gentleness.
Give us grateful hearts for all of our gifts.
Help us praise You by sharing all that we are with others.
May we welcome You in each person we meet today.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Saint Bonaventure, PRAY FOR US
July 16
July 16
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
God of all ages,
You called your Prophet Elijah
to Mount Carmel
to proclaim your glory.
May we follow Elijah’s
call for prayer and penance.
Help us to honor Mary,
our lady of Mount Carmel,
by listening and responding
to Your Word.
Bless us today
and everyday,
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
July 22
July 22
Saint Mary Magdalene
God of Infinite Wonders,
You honor us by sending Your Son to live on earth.
Since Saint Mary Magdalene was the first
to whom the risen Jesus appeared,
awaken us to surprises in our life.
May we find the Good News of the day
and proclaim it with joy.
Help us to be a faithful friend
to at least one person.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Saint Mary Magdalene, PRAY FOR US.
July 23
July 23
Saint Bridget of Sweden
mother & religious
Praise and honor to You, Lord Jesus, the Christ!
Although You were the Son of God,
You became poor for our sake.
The noble lady, Saint Bridget,
raised her children
and dedicated her life
to helping oppressed people.
Help us to take an interest
in the issues of our day
and do what we can.
This we ask both now and forever.
Saint Bridget, PRAY FOR US.
July 25
July 25
Saint James
Holy Trinity of Love,
You show Your inner life in hospitable relationships.
Jesus called Saint James to be an apostle.
Help us respond to invitations for friendship
and the service of hospitality to one another.
May we learn to share the cup of suffering
by being available to all in need.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.
Saint James, PRAY FOR US.
July 26
July 26
Saints Joachim and Ann
parents of Mary, grandparents of Jesus
God of all Hopefulness,
Your trusting Spirit is planted deeply in human hearts.
When things seem impossible,
help us to trust like Saints Joachim and Ann.
Give us insight to see the surprising gifts
in our ordinary lives.
May we honor our family heritage
with hospitable care and concern for the elderly and infirm.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saints Joachim and Ann, PRAY FOR US.
July 29
July 29
Saints Martha, Mary & Lazarus
friends & hosts of the Lord
Generous God of all gifts,
Your kindness and charity are meant to reach all people.
May the hospitality of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus,
be a model for us.
Assist us in being warm hearted
and sharing what we can abundantly.
Today, help us to listen intently
to the message of someone we do not know.
Send this grace through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus, PRAY FOR US.
July 30
July 30
Saint Peter Chrysologus
bishop, preacher
God of all knowledge and learning,
Your truth and wisdom fill the world.
Saint Peter Chrysologus revealed Your message
in ‘golden worded’ sermons.
With prayer, fasting and almsgiving,
our honored saint proclaimed
that peace is the joy of Christ,
the guardian of morals,
and the rule of justice.
Help us to understand this insight
into the Christian life,
both now and for ever.
Saint Peter Chrysologus, PRAY FOR US.
July 31
July 31
Saint Ignatius of Loyola,
soldier & founder of the Jesuit Order
God of Mystery,
You call us to loving service in many and varied ways.
Through a wounded leg, You called Saint Ignatius
from military service to become a soldier of Christ
May his example bring us through our battle on earth
to the promise and joy of heaven.
Like Saint Ignatius, may we spend our life
for the greater honor and glory of God
now and forever.
Saint Ignatius, PRAY FOR US.
August 1
August 1
Saint Alphonsus Liguori
lawyer, moral theologian, founder of Redemptorists
God of our hearts,
Your inner law of truth calls us to right living.
We ask Saint Alphonsus to help us
in our spiritual distress and physical ailments.
Give us the insight of wise discernment
to know right from wrong.
May we have the courage to act ethically
through Christ our Lord.
Saint Alphonsus, PRAY FOR US.
August 4
August 4
Saint John Vianney
Christ, Holy Priest of the New Covenant,
We praise and thank You for living and dying for us.
Through the dedication of Saint John Vianney,
may we learn to value spiritual direction
and seek help when in need.
Help us to confess our sins,
be contrite and amend our lives.
Send us understanding ministers of Your care.
This we ask in Your name.
Saint John Vianney, PRAY FOR US.
August 6
August 6
God of All Beauty,
In Jesus You revealed Your glory.
Taking Peter, James and John to the mountaintop;
Jesus became radiant as light.
Lift up our downcast hearts
and enlighten our understanding
by showing us how to love one another.
Teach us the joy of sharing a happy thought
today and every day.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
August 8
August 8
Saint Dominic
founder of the Order of Preachers
God, ever faithful and true,
Praise and honor be Yours for all eternity.
Your loving kindness was revealed through
the preaching of Saint Dominic.
May we learn through prayer and contemplation,
the mystery of Your Word,
and apply it to our lives.
Help us to find a compliment
for one person today.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Saint Dominic, PRAY FOR US.
August 10
August 10
Saint Lawrence
deacon & martyr
God of Mystery,
We praise and thank You for the example of saints.
In his care for the poor, Saint Lawrence gave away
many possessions of the church
but when arrested,
he claimed the poor, the blind
and the lame as treasures.
Give us a true sense of justice and stewardship.
May we not be afraid to suffer when doing what is right.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saint Lawrence, PRAY FOR US.
August 11
August 11
Saint Clare
founder of Poor Clares
God of Every Virtue,
Your goodness, truth and beauty come to us in human form.
As Saint Clare lived a community life of poverty,
help us to value a simple life style.
Today’s saint was a spirited and energetic leader,
was prayerful,
and patiently endured her chronic illness.
Help us to value a humble, charitable attitude
especially for everyone we meet today.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
Saint Clare, PRAY FOR US.
August 15
August 15
Ever-living and Ever-loving God,
In Your care for us, You sent Jesus born of Mary.
Today, we honor Mary, Mother of God,
who died and was taken into heaven.
Give us hearts filled with faith,
to help us believe in Your promises.
May “YES” be a part in our response to life today.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord.
Holy Mary, PRAY FOR US.
August 16
August 16
Saint Stephen of Hungary
national hero
Blest are You, God, Ruler of the Universe!
Your Spirit animates people in every time and nation.
Through the inspiration of Saint Stephen,
let us live by Christian values
and bring peace to our part of the world.
Reveal some way for us to assist the poor and needy.
Give us patient, humble hearts,
ready and willing to be of service.
This we ask through Christ, our Lord.
Saint Stephen, PRAY FOR US.
August 18
August 18
Saint Jane Frances de Chantal
widow & founder of Visitation Sisters
Nurturing God,
Through love, You call us to gentleness.
May the example of Saint Jane
motivate us to be faithful to our calling.
Help us to accept changes in our life
and adjust graciously.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Saint Jane, PRAY FOR US.
August 20
August 20
Saint Bernard
Holy and Triune God,
You inspire and support the common life.
Generously, You gave Saint Bernard many talents:
leader, preacher, peace maker.
Grant us the grace to share
one of our talents today.
Open our hearts to Your Spirit of Love,
through Christ our Lord.
Saint Bernard, PRAY FOR US.
August 23
August 23
Saint Rose of Lima
first canonized saint of America
Compassionate Lord God,
You are ever among us.
Open the eyes of our hearts
to see You hidden in our ordinary lives.
Give us a Spirit of Dedication,
like Saint Rose, to show our love
in patience and loving kindness.
May we find You hidden in surprising ways today.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saint Rose, PRAY FOR US.
August 24
August 24
Saint Bartholomew
Jesus, our Savior and Redeemer,
You came to live, suffer, die and rise to new life.
Your apostles, like Saint Bartholomew,
left everything to follow You.
Through the ages, You call each one of us
to union with God
and communion with one another.
Increase our faith, hope and charity
both now and forever.
Saint Bartholomew, PRAY FOR US.
August 25
August 25
Saint Louis
husband, father & king of France
Blest are You, Lord God, Ruler of the Universe!
Your design and plan extends to all creation.
As leader of a large family and the nation of France,
Saint Louis remained loyal to Your commandments.
Help us to truly love God
and our neighbors as ourselves.
Fill our hearts with the strength of Your divine grace.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
both now and forever.
Saint Louis, PRAY FOR US.
August 27
August 27
Saint Monica
wife & mother
All-powerful God,
Our prayers never go unanswered.
Saint Monica persevered through suffering and abuse,
and continued to trust in prayer.
Strengthen our faith
and quicken our imaginations
to pray and witness to Your goodness and mercy.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Saint Monica, PRAY FOR US.
August 28
August 28
Saint Augustine
God of Surprises,
Your love is eternal and Your grace is sufficient for us.
Through the prayers of his mother, Saint Monica,
Saint Augustine converted from his sinful ways
to become a great writer and teacher.
May we be sensitive to the yearning in our hearts
for the peace of Christ
When we struggle with difficulties,
help us to pour out our troubles to You.
Grant us enduring trust
in Christ our Lord.
Saint Augustine, PRAY FOR US.
September 3
September 3
Saint Gregory the Great
Blest are You, God, Ruler of the Universe.
We praise and thank you for raising up leaders in every age.
Today, we honor Saint Gregory,
who had a career in civil and political service
before becoming a Benedictine monk.
After being elected Pope, Saint Gregory,
labored on behalf of the poor.
Help us to be mindful of our leaders
and supportive of their efforts for the common good.
We ask this through Christ, our Lord.
Saint Gregory, PRAY FOR US.
Labor Day
Labor Day
first Monday of September
God, the Master Artisan of all,
You create and bring everything into being.
The fruit of our work reflects Your goodness,
wisdom and power.
As we honor all who labor with their hands,
help us to be grateful
and show appreciation to them.
Bless all who serve our needs
this day and for ever.
September 8
September 8
The Birth of Mary
Ever-living and ever-loving God,
In Your divine plan, You chose Mary
to be part of the mystery of our redemption.
Remembering the birth of this baby girl,
fill our hearts with joy and happiness.
Mindful of the miracle of each new human life,
we praise and thank You for this creation.
May we treasure this precious gift of life
and hold it holy in all its stages.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
both now and for ever.
Holy Mary, PRAY FOR US.
September 9
September 9
Saint Peter Claver
Apostle of the Negroes
Holy God of All People,
Your compassion reaches to the ends of the earth.
Saint Peter Claver dedicated his priestly life
to serving the slaves from West Africa.
Keep us mindful of the poor and abused ones among us.
Help us to treat all people with kindness and respect.
May we learn new ways to show
how we love each other as brothers and sisters.
We ask this through Jesus,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
for ever and ever.
Saint Peter Claver, PRAY FOR US.
September 13
September 13
Saint John Chrysostom
Bishop, Chrysostom means “Golden mouth”
Spirit of Wisdom and Understanding,
You inspire people to preach
the Good News of salvation.
You blest Saint John with the gift of loving words
for neglected and suffering people.
With the help of Saint John,
may we find words of good will,
peace and gratitude today and every day.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Saint John, PRAY FOR US.
September 14
September 14
Holy Cross Day
Jesus, our Loving Savior,
You came to live among us as a brother.
Thank You for suffering and dying on a cross
for our salvation.
Today, we honor the Cross that You made holy.
Help us to take up our cross
and with Your support to carry it in love.
“May my dark hours be dark for me alone
Nor o’er shadow other lives that I hold dear
Let me in laughter cloak each useless moan
And make my little world, a world of cheer.”
(From a holy card I memorized in Saint Raphael’s Grade School, Springfield,MN)
September 17
September 17
Saint Hildegard
Abbess, musician, writer, scientist
God, Giver of all gifts,
You generously share goodness, truth and beauty.
May we respond to Your creative spirit
like Saint Hildegard.
Broaden our vision to encompass a world view.
Help us to risk trying new areas of intereSaint
May we respect the efforts and talents of others
and be willing to fail once in awhile.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Saint Hildegard, PRAY FOR US.
September 20
September 20
Saint Andrew Kim Taegon
Saint Paul Chong Hasang and Companions
103 Korean martyrs
Humble God of the powerless,
You raise up men and women of spiritual strength.
May Saint Andrew Kim, Saint Paul and all Korean martyrs
give us courage when we feel helpless and alone.
Send your Spirit of Trust to us this day
to graciously accept our life.
Help us to carry our cross with dignity.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
both now and forever.
September 21
September 21
Saint Matthew
apostle & gospel writer
Jesus, our compassionate brother,
You called Saint Matthew from tax collecting
to follow Your way and to remember Your words.
When difficult things are asked of us,
may we recall Saint Matthew’s willingness to change.
Inspire us to pass on the Good News of our salvation
and encourage one another in our journey of faith.
Send your Spirit of Promise to lighten our hearts
and welcome all people as our brothers and sisters.
This we ask in Your holy name.
Saint Matthew, PRAY FOR US.
September 26
September 26
Saints Cosmas & Damian
Twin brothers & patron saints of physicians
Gracious God of Life,
We praise You for Your gift of comforting love and care.
As Saint Cosmas and Saint Damian were practicing physicians
who accepted no fees for their service,
may we be generous with our comforting words.
Send your Spirit of Healing to fill us with energy
for giving of ourselves on behalf
of Christian charity.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Saints Cosmas and Damian, PRAY FOR US.
September 27
September 27
Saint Vincent de Paul
great organizer
Provident God of the powerless,
You inspire Your saints to be sensitive to our needs.
As Saint Vincent de Paul provided for the spiritual
and material needs of the poor,
help us to see with the eyes of faith.
Help us to seize every opportunity
to be of service to one another
and to praise you with our actions.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and forever.
Saint Vincent, PRAY FOR US.
September 28
September 28
Saint Wenceslaus
Christian ruler
Blest are You, Lord God, Ruler of the Universe,
You call forth leaders in every age to promote peace.
In the midst of political jealousy and upheaval,
You called Saint Wenceslaus to be hospitable
to the poor, hungry and homeless.
Give us hearts filled with Your Spirit of Compassion.
May we generously give of our time, talent and treasure
to further Your kingdom of peace and justice.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Saint Wenceslaus, PRAY FOR US.
September 29
September 29
Saints Michael, Gabriel, Raphael
Glory to You, God most high,
through all ages You manifest Your goodness,
truth and beauty.
Saints Michael, Gabriel and Raphael
proclaimed Your messages of utmost importance.
Open our eyes to see, our ears to hear
and our hearts to listen
to Your messages of love in our time.
Help us to find Your Presence among us
especially, hidden in the poor and humble
both now and for ever.
Saint Michael, PRAY FOR US.
Saint Gabriel, PRAY FOR US.
Saint Raphael, PRAY FOR US.
September 30
September 30
Saint Jerome
Bible translator
God of Revelation,
You sent Jesus to be the Eternal Word, living among us.
As Saint Jerome devoted a life-time of study
to translating the scriptures,
lead us to understand Your message
and to know Your loving kindness.
With prayer and penance, Saint Jerome worked
to overcome his temper and readiness to quarrel.
Help us to deal with our lifelong problems
and transform them
by deeds for the common good.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Saint Jerome, PRAY FOR US.
October 1
October 1
Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus
teenager, virgin
God of Love,
You call the great and the small.
Teach us the spiritual simplicity of Saint Theresa.
Help us to understand that we do not need
to live long or to travel far
to care for the common good of other people.
Since Saint Theresa promised to spend her heaven
doing good upon earth,
awaken us to the “Roses” of life in our midst
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
October 2
October 2
Guardian Angels
Holy God,
You are our shelter and safeguard through life.
You entrust each of us to the care and protection
of a Guardian Angel.
Send your Holy Angels to (name health care facility) today.
May they guard us from harm and from danger.
As Your special messengers,
may they present our prayer requests in heaven
and nudge us to do good deeds on earth.
This we ask now and forever.
October 4
October 4
Saint Francis of Assissi
prisoner, founder
Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is darkness, light;
where there is sadness, joy.
O, Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled
as to console;
to be understood as to understand;
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
it is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
it is in dying that we are born again to eternal life.
Saint Francis, PRAY FOR US.
October 14
October 14
Saint Callistus
slave, miner, administrator, pope, martyr
Jesus, our Redemer,
You call sinners as well as saints to be at home
in Your presence.
May the example of Saint Callistus
encourage us to live by faith
and trust in Your mercy.
Send your Spirit of optimism
that we may reflect your loving kindness.
This we ask today and forever.
Saint Callistus, PRAY FOR US.
October 15
October 15
Saint Teresa of Avila
virgin, doctor, reformer
(Prayer of Saint Teresa)
Let nothing disturb thee,
Nothing affright thee;
All things are passing,
God never changeth!
Patient endurance
Attaineth to all things;
Who God possesseth
In nothing is wanting;
Alone God sufficeth.
Saint Teresa, PRAY FOR US.
October 17
October 17
Saint Ignatius of Antioch
bishop, martyr, preacher, writer
(On the way to be cast to the wild lions in the
Roman Amphitheater, Ignatius said: “I am God’s wheat,
may I become the pure bread of Christ”)
Blest are you, God of the Universe,
You inspire leaders to proclaim Your Word of truth.
May the preaching and sufferings of Saint Ignatius
help us to be zealous for the faith.
May we endure the daily irritations with patience.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ
Saint Ignatius, PRAY FOR US.
October 18
October 18
Saint Luke
writer, disciple, doctor, artist, patron of doctors,
unnamed disciple of Emmaus
Gracious God,
we thank You and praise You
for revealing Your love through Jesus.
Open our hearts to Your Word
in the writings of Saint Luke.
May we, like Saint Luke, be sensitive and creative,
especially in helping the poor and powerless.
Grant this through Jesus, the Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Saint Luke, PRAY FOR US.
October 28
October 28
Saints Simon and Jude
apostles, martyrs, Saint Jude is patron of hopeless cases
Blest are you, God of the Universe,
You called faithful servants to be friends of Jesus.
Remember Your mercy and send us help
through Saints Simon and Jude.
Lift our down-cast hearts and give us hope
in our sufferings and tribulations.
Send Your Spirit of Consolation
in the midst of our difficulties.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saints Simon and Jude, PRAY FOR US.
November 1
November 1
All Saints
Glory, honor and praise to God,
from You all holiness flows to people in all ages.
In baptism You call us to follow Jesus.
We rejoice in all of the saints of heaven,
especially, (our family members, friends and benefactors.)
May all the Saints remember those of us
who are still on the journey of faith.
We ask this in the name of our Brother, Jesus, the Christ
November 2
November 2
All Souls
God of Compassion,
You upheld Jesus through his suffering,
death and resurrection.
Be merciful to all the faithful departed, especially….
(names of the recently departed, for example)
Help us to live in the hope of Your promise
to one day enjoy the vision of Your glory.
May we one day know the light and peace
of Your heavenly banquet.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
November 10
November 10
Saint Leo
pope, doctor, preacher, writer
Spirit of the Living God,
You inspire people to pastoral ministry in every age.
May Saint Leo show us the way of humility
to proclaim Your truth and love.
May Saint Leo’s dependence on Christ,
be an example to us of simplicity and clarity.
This we ask today and always in Jesus’ name.
Saint Leo, PRAY FOR US.
November 11
November 11
Saint Martin of Tours
bishop, monastic
(Martin served in the Roman army until he gave half his cloak to a
beggar and was inspired to baptism.)
Ever-living and ever-loving God,
Your gracious gifts inspire people in every age.
Like Saint Martin, may we be mindful of people in need
and generous with our time, talent and treasure.
May we live dedicated to the Core Values
of Hospitality, Stewardship, Respect and Justice.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Saint Martin, PRAY FOR US.
November 15
November 15
Saint Albert
bishop, doctor, scientist
Almighty God,
You create and support all life.
Saint Albert not only advanced human knowledge
but also was filled with love and joy.
May we be devoted to life-long learning,
seeking the wisdom of the ages.
Give us joy-filled hearts ready
and willing to be of service.
We ask this now and forever.
Saint Albert, PRAY FOR US.
November 16
November 16
Saint Gertrude
monastic, writer
Nurturing God,
Your wisdom and love are manifest in men and women.
May Saint Gertrude inspire us to ponder Your Word
and lead us to conversion of heart.
Bless us with insight through prayer
and courage to change what we can.
Grant this through Jesus, the Christ, Your Son,
who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Saint Gertrude, PRAY FOR US.
November 17
November 17
Saint Elizabeth of Hungary
wife, mother, religious
God our Creator,
Your call comes to us in many ways through our lifetime.
May Saint Elizabeth’s dedication to her family
and care for the poor and the sick,
touch our hearts with compassion.
Give us a generous spirit to all
who are less fortunate than we are.
We ask this in the name of Jesus, the Christ
Saint Elizabeth, PRAY FOR US.
November 23
November 23
Saint Clement
pope, writer
God of wisdom,
You inspired Saint Clement with a message for all of us when he wrote:
“The stronger should care for the weak,
and the weak should respect the stronger.
The wealthy should give to the poor,
and the poor should thank God and be grateful.”
Grant us this grace through Christ our Lord.
Saint Clement, PRAY FOR US.
November 30
November 30
Saint Andrew, apostle
Blest are you Lord God of the Universe,
who can fathom your divine plan for all creation?
Thank you for sending your Son, Jesus,
who called Saint Andrew as an apostle.
Give us listening hearts to hear your call
and to generously respond in service.
Build our self-esteem with your grace
to meet the challenges of life
both now and forever.
Saint Andrew, PRAY FOR US.
December 6
December 6
Saint Nicholas
bishop, patron saint of children
God of wonder,
in goodness you create and sustain all living things.
Thank you for Saint Nicholas
whose generous gifts gladdened the hearts
of children and adults.
Lord God, everyday You amaze us with Your gifts in nature,
inspire us with ways to surprise
someone who is lonely.
When we do not have means,
give us the grace of a good word.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saint Nicholas, PRAY FOR US
December 8
December 8
Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Divine Artist of the Universe,
Your providential care for us refreshes our imagination.
May the life of Mary, preserved from sin,
help us to follow in the footsteps
of Jesus to be a servant leader.
Open our hearts to the Word of God
and help us to respond generously.
Make us beacons of light where there is darkness
transforming our world
day by day, now and forever.
Holy Mary, PRAY FOR US.
December 13
December 13
Saint Lucy
virgin, martyr, patron of people with eye trouble
Faithful God of consolation,
praise to You for Your many graces and blessings.
When our vision becomes blurred with cares and concerns,
enlighten our dullness and surprise us by joy.
May Saint Lucy aid us in seeing the light of truth.
This we ask in the name of Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saint Lucy, PRAY FOR US.
December 26
December 26
Saint Stephen
deacon, martyr
Holy God, Source of all things,
You freely give Your love through all of time.
Teach us by the example of Saint Stephen
to do our part in proclaiming Your goodness.
Give us strength and courage to live our life
dedicated to the service of others.
We ask this today and every day.
December 27
December 27
Saint John
apostle, writer, preacher
God of boundless energy and light,
You make known Your mysteries
through Your revealed Word.
As Saint John was blest with faith
to proclaim Your manifold love,
quicken our hearts
to grasp the Good News and act upon it.
May we be able to share and understand
the wisdom that Saint John taught.
Grant this now and forever.
Saint John, PRAY FOR US.
December 28
December 28
Holy Innocents, martyrs
God the Father,
You sent Your only Son to earth as an infant.
Have mercy on all people of violence.
Teach us to value human life
from conception to natural death.
Spare us from the tragedy of death
for innocent children.
May we observe Your wonder
in the eyes and ways of the little ones.
Bless them and us today and every day.