Inspiration Through Prayer
Benedictine is pleased to share our prayers with you. Please feel free to use them to open or close meetings, to bless meals, before events, to establish a foundation for discussion, or for your personal use.
Prayers For
Core Values
Spirit of Hospitality
God our Creator,
in You we live and move and have our being.
We look to Your care and concern for all that sustains us.
Without You, we are nothing,
which is reason enough to praise You.
Send Your Spirit of Hospitality
to touch our hearts with gratitude.
In Jesus’ name we pray.
Servant Leadership
Nurturing God of Love,
You hospitably share the fullness of life with us.
Send Your Spirit of inspiration.
Give us listening hearts and discerning minds
to grasp the meaning of servant leadership.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBMultitude of Gifts
Blest are You, Lord God, Ruler of the Universe,
in Your plan of salvation You give us life
and sustain us with love.
How can we thank You for a multitude of gifts?
Nurture in us hospitable hearts,
eager to serve our brothers and sisters in need.
Grant this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBHealing Mission
Generous God of Consolation,
we thank You and praise You for calling us together.
Help us to discern our needs,
to fairly distribute our shared resources,
and to graciously extend hospitality to all,
especially the poor and powerless.
May we effectively promote the healing mission of Jesus,
assist people to live with hope,
and feel at home in our organizations.
We ask this now and forever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBGrateful Hearts
Provident God,
with love You share Your very life with us.
Bless us with gracious generosity
to be hospitable to everyone we meet.
When we are served, give us grateful hearts
to show appreciation
at least with a kind word.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBStewardship
Community of Health Care
Holy Trinity of Persons,
You reveal Yourself in a Triune relationship.
Thank You for calling us together at (name).
May we be a sign of unity, especially to those we serve.
Keep us focused on good stewardship
that we are able to be mindful
of the oppressed and forgotten poor.
Fashion us as Your new creation.
We ask this through Jesus, our Brother,
Whose Spirit of love draws us together.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBCreative Simplicity
God, our loving Father,
You sent Your Son, Jesus, as our model and guide.
Teach us to share our gifts of time, talent and treasure.
Transform our lives with creative simplicity
that we may be worthy followers
of Christ, our Lord,
who lives and reigns with You
and Your Holy Spirit both now and for ever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBDaily Witness
Lord God, Creator of the Universe,
You provide for all Your creatures.
Send Your Spirit of Generosity to us
that we might give daily witness
in responding to the needs of our time.
May (name) be a source of comfort
for people afflicted with sickness and suffering.
From the poverty of our lives
and the richness of Your love,
we ask this in the name of Jesus.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBResponsible Stewards
Almighty God of the Universe,
You have bestowed upon us an abundance of gifts.
We acknowledge that these resources are not ours but Yours.
May we be responsible stewards
with deep reverence for all life.
Give us compassionate hearts
with the strength abiding in Christ
both now and for ever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBSacred Trust
Blest are You, Ruler of the Universe,
You generously provide for our welfare.
Help us to value Your manifold gifts
and hold them in sacred trust
for one another and for future generations.
May we see Your providential care
at work among us
through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBStewardship of Attitude
Holy God of all time,
Your Spirit of Transformation is always at work.
Soften our hard hearts.
Change our hostility to hospitality.
Help us to be responsible stewards of loving kindness.
Give us insight to appreciate and affirm one another.
May Your Spirit strengthen our inner being
through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBStewardship of Human Resources
God of Heaven and Earth,
You share Your goodness with us.
Inspire us to be trustful stewards
of Your Spirit, living in each person.
Give us compassionate hearts
ready and willing to stand by
our family, friends, co-workers and residents
in (name of community).
This we ask through Jesus, our Brother.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBWonder of God’s Design
Gracious God,
all we are and everything that we have comes from You.
Help us to develop respect for Your work
and marvel at the wonder of Your infinite design.
May we at (name of the community) be worthy stewards
of all that is entrusted to our care.
We ask this in the unity of Your Holy Spirit,
through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBRespect
Spirit of Prudence,
Your discerning love for all people
holds the universe in balance.
Expand our hearts beyond ourselves
to the joy of knowing and serving others.
Bless us with the virtue of respect
now and forever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBGolden Rule
God of Wisdom,
Your Golden Rule calls us to do unto others
as we wish them to do to us.
Why do we so easily forget to put ourselves
in the shoes of another person?
Help us to be sensitive to others,
respecting who they are,
and listening to another point of view.
This we ask in Your holy name.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBRespect for All
In the beginning God created all things
and called them good.
In the image and likeness of God we were created.
God of all wonders,
You prepared a garden,
blest it and called it holy.
Touch our hearts with respect for all created things
from the smallest ant to the magnificent elephant.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear
Your message all around us in nature.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBRespect People
God, ever attentive to details,
You fashioned each creature uniquely.
What an imagination You have!
Increase our sensitivity to the beauty
and individuality of each person.
Help us to foster the value of respect
especially for the people
we live and work with everyday.
We ask this in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBJustice
Core Values
God of all creation,
for You, a thousand years are like a single day.
Guard and guide planet Earth and hold all people dear
as we spin and circle into a new era of time.
May we live the values of Hospitality, Stewardship,
Respect and Justice
as we trust Your grace to be sufficient for us
in creating organizations of justice and peace.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, now and for ever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBFaithfulness
Let us see, O Lord God, Your compassion
and give us Your saving help.
Mercy and faithfulness shall meet;
justice and peace shall embrace.
Faithfulness shall spring from the earth
and justice shall look down from heaven.
The Lord will make us prosper
and our land shall yield its fruit.
Justice shall walk before You
and let peace follow Your steps.
We ask this now and forever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBJustice and Mercy
Bless us, God of Compassion, with listening hearts
and the power of Your love as we focus
on Justice for all people,
especially the poor and the powerless.
God of Righteousness,
You have sustained us in the past,
and now call us to be mindful
of tempering justice with mercy.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBJustice and Peace
God, Source of all life and love,
be present at (Name the facility or meeting).
Send Your Spirit of love to be with us
and work among us for justice and peace.
Keep us mindful of our mission and values
and give us a focused vision for health care
both now and forever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBModeration
God, our Creator,
You have inspired adaptation and moderation
through more than 1500 years
of Benedictine Tradition.
Help us to listen with the ears of our hearts
how to be living with justice
by weaving mission into all that we do.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBMission and Values
Loving God,
You continue to inspire us with Your goodness.
Sustain Your spirit of justice and peace among us
and help us to respond
to emerging trends and innovative practices.
Help us to keep ourMissionand Core Values before us
as our guide today and everyday.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBSpirit of Justice
Blest are You, Lord God, Ruler of the Universe,
in Your abundant mercy You give us life and love.
May we always honor Your divine presence among us,
especially today at (name of community or meeting).
Open our eyes to see and our ears to hear
the health care needs of Your people.
Send Your Spirit of Justice to us
and help us to live in harmony and peace
now and forever.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBValues and St. Benedict
God our Creator,
We praise and thank You for Your wonders of nature.
Teach us to live with an awareness of Your gifts.
Help us be worthy stewards in Your name.
Grant us compassionate hearts for those in need,
by every work, deed and thought.
Through Jesus, our Brother,
help us to be generous and kind.
May we respect all persons, places and things
to Your greater honor and glory,
both now and forever and ever.
Spirit of Wisdom
God of Creation,
in the beginning You created
all that is good, true and beautiful.
Send Your Spirit of Wisdom
as we begin this meeting.
Help us to be mindful of our Benedictine mission
and all the people who are in need.
Bless us with listening hearts
and a spirit of cooperation.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Begin a Good Work
Benevolent God,
You create, renew and sustain all creation.
Be present as we begin this good work.
Inspire and animate us
as we discern the good of (name facility).
Give us hearts attentive to the current needs
and future of all concerned.
May we be blest with a spirit of cooperation.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Ever-renewing God of the Universe,
You are always present, yet far removed.
In every age you share your gifts anew.
Help us to treasure Saint Benedict’s
vision to adapt to our time and place.
By seeking you in prayer,
may we continue to trust in your assistance
now and forever. AMEN.
Balance and Peace
God of the Universe,
You design and hold all creation in your loving hands.
With Saint Benedict as our model,
inspire us with ways of bringing balance to our lives.
May we cooperate with your abundant graces
to secure peace in our hearts and in our homes.
Send your Spirit of Serenity
through Jesus, the Christ,
both now and for ever. AMEN.
Christ in Others
God of Love,
Who sent your only Son to reveal your glory.
In the spirit of Saint Benedict,
may we see Christ present in ourselves,
in the sick and infirm,
in our family, guests, leaders,
and all who work with us.
Give us compassionate hearts,
ready and eager to serve Christ in others.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. AMEN.
Conversion of Heart
God of Transforming Love,
we praise and thank you for variety
and all that is changing in life.
As Saint Benedict calls us to conversion of heart,
dispel our fears
and give us confidence and courage to improve.
Give us patience with ourselves and with others.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
both now and forever. AMEN.
Daily Manual Labor I
Blest are you God of the Universe,
from nothing you brought forth all of creation.
As Saint Benedict values daily work,
help us to cherish the labor of our hands.
With grateful hearts,
we thank you for everyone who serves us.
Bless them and their families with health and happiness
now and forever. AMEN.
Daily Manual Labor II
God, Creator of the universe,
may all your works praise and glorify you.
Because idleness is the enemy of the soul,
Saint Benedict designated times for manual labor.
Help us to value the work of our hands
and cherish everyone we associate with.
Grant this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord. AMEN.
Grounded In God
Spirit of the Living God,
we thank you and praise you
for models of strength and courage.
Like Saint Benedict,
help us to be rooted and grounded in God.
Give us wisdom to discern our choices
for family, friends, colleagues and all in need.
May we be open to God’s Presence
in the daily events of our lives.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Humble Reverence
God of Loving-kindness,
You are ever gentle and meek.
You sent your only Son to be one with us.
As Saint Benedict fosters humility among his disciples,
help us to recognize the poor and lowly.
Bring us together in one family of faith,
where You live forever and ever. AMEN.
Justice and Mercy
God of Harmony,
You hold all things in balance.
Following Saint Benedict,
may we give everyone
and every thing their time and place.
Inspire us with Your Spirit of Justice and Mercy.
May we live rightly,
be fair and honest,
truthful and trustworthy.
Help us to be people of integrity and faithfulness.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. AMEN.
Great Loving, Holy One,
Your silent presence is everywhere.
Teach us to listen with the ears of our hearts
as Saint Benedict directs us.
Help us to be attentive to the unspoken needs
of the most vulnerable among us.
This we ask in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Listening Hearts
God of Heaven and Earth,
You are the mystery hidden in the secrets of life,
You call us, in the spirit of Saint Benedict,
to have listening hearts.
Help us to be attentive to your Word,
to your presence in others
and in the events of our lives.
Reveal your Spirit of Joy
that we may reflect your goodness and happiness
all the days of our lives.
This we ask through Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Great God of Little Creatures,
You devote as much attention to tiny things
as to gigantic masterpieces.
Saint Benedict tells us to support with the greatest patience
one another’s weakness of body or behavior.
Help us to endure especially when we are in trying situations.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. AMEN.
Pray and Work
God of all Creation and Blessings,
worthy are You to receive praise and thanksgiving.
With Saint Benedict as our model,
may we value a balance of prayer,
work and leisure.
May we esteem work as we do prayer,
and contribute to the dignity of our human family.
May we be blest with a Spirit of Fruitfulness
through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
God, the Holy Trinity,
You express yourself in relationships.
Help us to treasure human nature
as Saint Benedict did.
Give us wise discretion to make prudent decisions
in our relationship with one another.
May we value the poorest and least among us
as did Jesus, the Christ, our Lord. AMEN.
Seek God
God of Revelation,
You communicate your goodness, truth and beauty
in a multitude of ways.
Foster in our lives a hunger to discover
You hidden among us.
Following Saint Benedict,
may we seek You, God above all things.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and forever. AMEN.
Simple Lifestyle
God of all Unity,
in wisdom you create all things
and hold all beings in love.
Help us to have care and concern
for the smallest and least among us.
As Saint Benedict cultivated a simple lifestyle
for his disciples,
nurture that same spirit here at (name of facility).
Sustain us all in our relationships with one another
both now and forever. AMEN.
Value of Preseverance
Eternal and Everlasting God,
You are ever faithful.
As Saint Benedict valued the stability of place
and consistent relationships in community,
help us to persevere in our everyday lives.
Bless us with steadfast trust
that we can make a difference in our life.
May your Spirit of Reliability be with us
now and forever. AMEN.
Value of Hospitality
Welcoming God of all time,
You continually call us to expand our life with greater love.
As Saint Benedict valued
the youngest and the poorest of people,
may we cultivate a spirit of hospitality
wherever we are.
Give us listening hearts,
ready and willing to be a channel of your grace.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever. AMEN.
Value of Stewardship
God of Harmony,
we thank you and praise you
for ordering all creation.
With Saint Benedict as our model,
help us to be good stewards of all you have given us.
May we care for people and things
as the sacred vessels of the altar.
Support our concern for all
with worthy companions
along our life’s journey of faith.
Grant us a caring Spirit of Cooperation.
This we ask in Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Value of Respect
Holy God of Life,
You are worthy of all honor and glory.
May we catch the spirit of respect
manifested by Saint Benedict.
With listening hearts,
may we reverence each person
and all things entrusted to our care.
Help us to find and respect your Holy Spirit
hidden in our innermost being.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Value of Justice
Faithful God of Creation,
You order all things with righteousness.
Inspire us with the spirit of Saint Benedict,
to value justice for all.
May we relate fairly and honestly
with all people.
May Peace be our guide and safeguard.
We pray through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and for ever. AMEN.
A Meal Prayer
God, our Creator,
You call us into being and sustain us with life.
You are here among us.
Help us to be aware of those less fortunate than we are.
Teach us the Spirit of Moderation.
Bless us and the food we share,
and all who provide and serve our needs.
In Jesus’ name we pray, now and forever. AMEN.
Saint Benedict, pray for us.
+Sister Mary Christa Kroening, OSBValues and Saint Scholastica
Creative Options
Ever-living and ever-loving God,
You share your goodness, truth and beauty.
As you heard the prayers of Saint Scholastica,
hear us now in this time of need.
Help us to be attentive to creative options
in our lives and at our work.
Send us your Spirit of discernment
through Jesus, the Christ,
now and for ever.
God, our Creator,
we thank You and praise You for sharing Your goodness.
As You empowered Saint Scholastica through prayer,
surround us with faith and trust.
Help us to be resourceful in discerning decisions.
Keep us faithful to the Benedictine tradition.
We ask this in the Spirit of Jesus,
both now and forever.
Core Values
Compassionate God of love,
You give us models of strength and courage.
As Saint Scholastica trusted
that her prayer would be heard,
give us insight to ask for help
in difficult situations.
May we help to foster the Benedictine values
of hospitality, stewardship, respect and justice.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
forever and ever.
Respect Relationships
Loving and caring God of the Universe,
we praise and thank You for the gift of life.
Through the prayer of Saint Scholastica,
woman of all time,
may we cherish our relationships.
Help us to be attentive to our own needs
and the needs of others.
Show us new ways of showing respect
for each person.
Bless us with your Spirit of wise choices
through your son, Jesus, the Christ.
Benedictine Values
Spirit of the living God,
You continue to bless us with loving-kindness.
As Saint Scholastica prayed faithfully,
teach us to turn to You in our need.
As her soul was ready to fly into the sun like a dove,
may we be blest with a zest for life.
May we nurture the Benedictine values
among the people we meet.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
both now and forever.
Spirit of Prayerfulness
God of Compassion,
You care for us in a multitude of ways.
On this day embrace us with your loving-kindness.
Bless us with a Spirit of prayerfulness,
like that of Saint Scholastica,
as we discern our range of choices.
Help us to foster the Benedictine values
of hospitality, stewardship,
respect and justice for all.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Spirit of Insight
Gracious God,
You hold all things in the harmony of the universe.
As Saint Scholastica honored her intuition,
may we respect our own power of knowing
and that of other people.
Give us a prayerful heart
attentive to Your divine will.
May we be blest
with the Spirit of Insight
through Christ our Lord.
Understanding Heart
Nurturing God of Love,
Your generosity provides infinite variety in life.
As Saint Scholastica tempered the law with love,
help us to make wise life and death decisions.
Give us an understanding heart
to act as You would act.
May we be blest with the Spirit of Compassion
through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Favor of Good Will
All Powerful God,
You are attentive to our every need.
As Saint Scholastica knew how to graciously ask a favor,
support us in making
both human and divine requests.
Give us courage to speak the wisdom
planted deep in our hearts.
Bless us with the Spirit of Good Will
through Christ our Lord.
Intimate God of all Creation,
Praise and glory be Yours for sharing Your goodness.
As Saint Scholastica entrusted her fear
to You in prayer,
assist us in gently turning to You in our need.
Help us to approach life with moderation.
May we be blest with a Spirit of Humility
through Christ our Lord.
Power of Love
Ever-living and ever-loving God,
in wisdom You have created sensitive human beings.
Although basic laws generally govern our conduct,
Saint Scholastica peacefully
changed the course of events
through the power of her love.
Help us to value silence to ponder problems.
Bless us with a Spirit of Discernment
through Jesus, the Christ,
both now and forever.
Divine Ruler of the Universe,
You govern all things wisely.
As Saint Scholastica was obedient
to the stirrings of her heart
support us in listening to your wise decrees
and innermost spirit.
Help us to silently ponder the challenges of life
and take responsibility for our actions.
May we be blest with the Spirit of a Listening Heart
through Christ our Lord.
God of Unity,
Your divine Word calls everything into being.
As Saint Scholastica was attentive to the sacred in life,
encourage us to be faithful
even in little ways.
Nurture our sense of awareness
that our wants be not confused with needs.
Bless us with the Spirit of Mindfulness.
We ask this in Jesus’ name both now and forever.
Balance of Time
God of the Universal Cosmos,
all things come from You and are sustained by You.
As Saint Scholastica honored quality time
for building relationships,
encourage us to treasure
family, friends and associates.
Help us to see Christ in everyone we meet.
Bless us with the Spirit of Balance in our lives.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.