Meet volunteer Terry Hellsvig
Volunteer Terry Hellsvig loves to hear the stories about the lives of the participants in Benedictine’s Adult Day Service (ADS) program. But Terry has quite a story himself. Terry was born 10th in a family of 14 children. When he in the 6th grade, Terry’s dad died unexpectedly of a heart attack at age 53 and he knew he had to step up.
He worked hard for his family and after graduation. He did small engine repair and construction. In 1982, he moved to San Diego to work in construction. After more than 12 years in California, his sister told him it was time to come back to Duluth. It was a good thing, as in 1995 Terry was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. After he got stronger and managed his health, it was time to fully retire and give back. Because Terry had been to Benedictine Living Community-Duluth for therapy, he knew this was where he wanted to volunteer.
That was 24 years ago and Terry has been a faithful volunteer in ADS. He enjoys the participants. Terry said, “They are characters. I love to listen to their stories, talk with them and play cards. He added, “Kings in the Corner is a favorite game of the residents and it is mine too!”
ADS supervisor, Chloe Tirebuck compliments Terry, “He comes to volunteer four days a week and is so dedicated. He not only helps our staff, he brightens the days of our residents.”