Benedictine Summit Assisted Living Benefits from Living Well at Home Grant
Benedictine Living Community-Crookston’s the Summit Assisted Living was the recipient of a Living Well at Home Grant from the Minnesota Department of Human Services, through its Aging and Disability Service Division. The grant focus was to help qualified Responders develop and enhance services to help older Minnesotans live and age in the community. The key actions in the work plan included many updates:
- Updating 4 apartments to enhance wheelchair accessibility including shower, cabinet and cupboard changes
- Installing a new Wanderguard system
- Getting a new Whirlpool Spa
- Installing a new sound system in the activities room
- Putting cut-outs in the sidewalks around the Summit to allow for wheelchair accessibility
- Placing an evac chair for emergencies to be used by EMS personnel
- Purchasing a new ice machine in the dining room to encourage good hydration
- Benedictine-The Summit is thankful for the partnership of DHS and the support from the Dancing Sky Area Agency for Aging to see this important project through.
Valorie O’Connell shows off the new Whirlpool