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October 25, 2021 | Blog

A Prayer for Spiritual Care / Pastoral Care Week

Gracious and Holy God,
Thank You for creating us as whole persons – body, mind, and spirit,
and for Your Spirit which sustains and renews us every day.

Thank You for Benedictine which highly values and prioritizes the care of each person spiritually.

During this special week, we honor and give thanks to You
for our Benedictine Spiritual Care leaders – directors, coordinators and chaplains,
for their faithful service within our communities, providing pastoral presence and care,
and overseeing the meeting of spiritual and religious needs.

Thank You for all Benedictine associates and volunteers who also provide spiritual care,
as we together serve, living the Core Values of Hospitality, Respect, Justice, Stewardship and Peace
in Your Spirit of love.

May Your Spirit enliven and strengthen each of us in Benedictine,
and all of our efforts to provide spiritual care.

In Your Holy Name we pray,