Spirit of Prudence,
Your discerning love for all people
holds the universe in balance.
Expand our hearts beyond ourselves
to the joy of knowing and serving others.
Bless us with the virtue of respect
now and forever.
Golden Rule
God of Wisdom,
Your Golden Rule calls us to do unto others
as we wish them to do to us.
Why do we so easily forget to put ourselves
in the shoes of another person?
Help us to be sensitive to others,
respecting who they are,
and listening to another point of view.
This we ask in Your holy name.
Respect for All
In the beginning God created all things
and called them good.
In the image and likeness of God we were created.
God of all wonders,
You prepared a garden,
blest it and called it holy.
Touch our hearts with respect for all created things
from the smallest ant to the magnificent elephant.
Give us eyes to see and ears to hear
Your message all around us in nature.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Respect People
God, ever attentive to details,
You fashioned each creature uniquely.
What an imagination You have!
Increase our sensitivity to the beauty
and individuality of each person.
Help us to foster the value of respect
especially for the people
we live and work with everyday.
We ask this in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.