Benedictine Coronavirus Information

At Benedictine, we are committed to providing the best possible care. Following the guidance of the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), state and local departments of health, we are working tirelessly to safeguard the health and wellness of all in our care and those who are providing the care.

What is Benedictine doing to ensure resident and staff safety?

Our residents’ and associates’ health, wellness and safety is our top priority.

Benedictine continues to offer COVID-19 testing when required and as needed to residents and associates with symptoms.

    • Benedictine continues its agressive infection control measures and screening procedures, ensuring that staff are following the latest state and federal guidance as well as wearing personal protective equipment when required.
  • Residents have been given face masks to wear and encouraged to social distance when outbreaks occur.
  • When identified, we work to contain the virus by creating special units with designated staff to care for them and protocols for enhanced environmental cleaning in use.
Protect yourself and those you love with the COVID-19 vaccine!

COVID-19 vaccines are the best protection against serious illness. We recommend that everyone stay up to date with the COVID-19 vaccine and boosters to protect themselves and those they love. The COVID-19 vaccine is free and readily available. Not sure where? Check out, text your zip code to 438829, or call 1-800-232-0233 to find a location near you.

We look forward to the day when COVID-19 is vanquished. Until then, we appreciate your cooperation as we comply with the requirements applicable to senior care facilities.

Visitors are welcome!

Visitors are welcome any time during our visiting hours. Be aware that there is a risk for becoming infected by COVID-19 when there are active cases in our building.

  • Visitors are encouraged to follow the Core Principles of Infection Control, including practicing good hand hygiene, wearing a face covering or mask that covers the mouth and nose, and physically distancing at least six feet from other residents and staff.
  • Visitors who have had a positive viral test for COVID-19 or have symptoms of COVID-19, or who currently meet the criteria for quarantine, are asked to delay their visit until their quarantine period has ended.
  • While CMS does not recommend visitation when a resident is actively infected with COVID-19 or in quarantine, residents may still choose to have visitors. The Core Principles of Infection Control need to be followed.

You can further help protect our residents and staff by taking an over-the-counter COVID-19 test prior to visiting. This strategy helps to keep those who are ill from carrying COVID-19 onto our campus to our residents and staff. Thank you for your cooperation with all these safety measures.


Other resources
Illinois Department of Health
Minnesota Department of Health
Missouri Department of Health
North Dakota Department of Health
Wisconsin Depatment of Health
Center for Disease Control