Grateful Hearts
Provident God,
with love You share Your very life with us.
Bless us with gracious generosity
to be hospitable to everyone we meet.
When we are served, give us grateful hearts
to show appreciation
at least with a kind word.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Healing Mission
Generous God of Consolation,
we thank You and praise You for calling us together.
Help us to discern our needs,
to fairly distribute our shared resources,
and to graciously extend hospitality to all,
especially the poor and powerless.
May we effectively promote the healing mission of Jesus,
assist people to live with hope,
and feel at home in our organizations.
We ask this now and forever.
Multitude of Gifts
Blest are You, Lord God, Ruler of the Universe,
in Your plan of salvation You give us life
and sustain us with love.
How can we thank You for a multitude of gifts?
Nurture in us hospitable hearts,
eager to serve our brothers and sisters in need.
Grant this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.
Servant Leadership
Nurturing God of Love,
You hospitably share the fullness of life with us.
Send Your Spirit of inspiration.
Give us listening hearts and discerning minds
to grasp the meaning of servant leadership.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Spirit of Hospitality
God our Creator,
in You we live and move and have our being.
We look to Your care and concern for all that sustains us.
Without You, we are nothing,
which is reason enough to praise You.
Send Your Spirit of Hospitality
to touch our hearts with gratitude.
In Jesus’ name we pray.