Ordinary Time
Care and Concern
Merciful and gracious God,
in Your wisdom You have created all things.
Sustain us by Your love
and help us to support one another
with our care and concern.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Cry For Help
Eternal God, You are ever faithful.
We trust in Your mighty power
to listen to our cry for help.
Protect our leaders,
heal the sick and wounded,
and transform the lot of the poor.
Inspire us to extend a helping hand
for anyone in need.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Family of Faith
Holy and Blessed One,
from You come life and love.
Gather us into Your family of faith
and help us to live with justice and peace.
This we ask in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
For Our Country
All Holy God,
Your love extends to the ends of the earth.
Bless our country this day
with renewed peace and freedom.
Help us to live harmoniously
in these United States ofAmerica,
and with all the countries of the world.
Surround our president and all leaders
with Your wisdom.
Create loving and caring hearts
in our citizens.
Give us a true sense of justice for all
today and everyday
forever and ever.
Merciful God,
Your Son, Jesus, suffered,
died and rose to new life.
Forgive us our offenses
both great and small.
Help us to transform our lives
and nurture the Core Values
of Hospitality, Stewardship, Respect and Justice
now and forever.
Hidden God
Blest are You, God of the Universe,
Your wonders never cease.
Your Great Spirit is hidden
in all the marvels of creation.
Awaken us to Your Presence
all around us
but especially in Your holy people.
Give us grateful hearts
ready and willing to brighten this day
with a good word.
This we ask in Your holy Name
now and forever.
Prince of Peace
Prince of Peace,
Your Word calls us to follow
Your example of compassion and faith.
Help us to believe in Your presence
in our lives and in our world.
May we encourage all people
to live a balanced life
in harmony with nature
and one another.
In the name of Jesus, we pray.
Reverence for All
Blest are You, God of the Universe,
without You nothing is holy.
Be present in our lives and in our world
in the old and in the young.
May we show reverence to all the living,
with a spirit of faith, hope and love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Spirit of Love
Ever-living and ever-loving God,
through all ages You call us to be faithful.
Send Your Spirit of Love
to accompany us in our journey through life.
Help us to pass along the love and care
that has been shown to us.
Quicken our imagination to recognize You
in the ordinary events of life
and in the breaking of the bread.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Spirit of Truth
God, our Father,
we thank You and praise You
for sending Your Son, Jesus,
to teach us and lead us to Your heavenly realm.
Send your Spirit of truth to guide our decisions
for (Name the community, meeting or group in need.)
We count on You to renew in us the wonders of Your love
both now and forever.
Spirit of Wisdom
Spirit of Wisdom, through the light of Christ,
You scatter the darkness of hatred and sin.
Fill us with the radiance of truth
helping us to discern what is best
for all people, especially the poor.
Unite us as brothers and sisters in Your love
today and everyday,
now and forever.