Healing Prayers
Spirit of the Living God,
You have love for everyone
in Your care.
Help us to trust in Your will on our behalf.
May we accept what we cannot understand
and make our little world a place of cheer
through Christ, our Lord.
God of Compassion,
Your love extends to everyone
through all time and space.
Thank You for everyone who cares for us.
Help us to always thank them
and have a grateful heart.
Give us patience to suffer like Jesus
for the sins of the world.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
All-loving God,
You sent Your Son, Jesus, to live among us.
We thank You and praise You
for Your consoling word.
Since Christ endured suffering,
help us to patiently bear our cross.
May Your healing hand rest upon our pain
through those who care for us.
Through Your Spirit of Love,
we ask this in Your holy name.
Enduring Hope
Gracious God,
You came to us through the suffering and death
of Your Son, Jesus.
Help us to unite our hardships and pains
with Christ.
Raise our inmost spirit to continue
to praise and thank You.
Send Your Spirit of enduring Hope
both now and forever.
Four Directions
Spirit of the North,
soften all that is hard and cold within me.
Melt with mercy any harsh judgments that I have.
Spirit of the East,
awaken me to Your Presence among us.
Enlighten the darkness in the depths of my soul.
Spirit of the South,
warm my chilling complaints with the sunshine of Your love.
Brighten the dullness of my downcast heart.
Spirit of the West,
relax my anxious manner with Your healing hand.
Reveal Your peace in the midst of strife.
Healing Hands
God our Creator, You give and sustain life.
We come to serve the sick and infirm
in this healthcare facility.
Place Your healing hands upon
all who are suffering
in mind, body or spirit.
May our presence and encouragement
give our resident(s) hope
and strength.
We ask this in the unity of Your Holy Spirit
through Christ, our Lord.
Hurt in One’s Heart
O Great Spirit, You are a Hidden God.
May my eyes behold You in the sunrise and the sunset.
May my ears hear Your message in the wind.
May my hands feel You present in the rock or the tree.
May my feet feel firm upon the ground.
May my mouth taste the flavor of each food.
May the hurt in my heart find healing
and gratitude for every living creature.
And praise You forever.
Christ, have mercy!
Lord, have mercy!
Jesus, have mercy!
Patience With Pain
God of Day and God of Night,
who can understand all Your wonders?
You give health and You can take it away.
Thank You for knowing times of health.
Give me patience in the times of pain.
Help me to feel mercy and compassion for others.
This I ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and forever.
Power to Heal
Faithful God of the ages,
You continue to refresh and renew life.
Look upon the residents of (name of community)
who are suffering and infirm.
Strengthen their hearts
to accept your will.
Bless all caregivers trusting
in Your power to heal.
With encouraging words,
may we all support one another.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Redemptive Suffering
Jesus, You are our Savior and Redeemer.
You endured Your passion and death on a cross.
Help us to accept our part
in Your redemptive suffering.
Lay Your healing hands on us
and give us courage.
May we all live with you
in your heavenly realm
forever and ever.
Suffering Savior,
You endured the humiliation
of the cross to save us.
Lay your healing hand on us (me).
And if it is Your will,
heal us (me) of this affliction.
Send Your Spirit of Resignation
to help us (me) be patient in my suffering.
This we (I) ask in Your holy name.
Respect All Life
Community of the Holy Trinity,
You love and respect all life.
May everyone residing in (name of community)
support and encourage one another
in their journey of faith.
Support the infirm
with love and a good word.
This we ask in the name of the Father,
and of the Son
and of the Holy Spirit.
to praise and thank You.
Send Your Spirit of enduring Hope
both now and forever.
Spirit of Compassion
Almighty God,
You are master of life and death.
Send Your Spirit of Compassion
on everyone in this community.
May we see Your loving presence
especially in the most vulnerable
among us.
Touch the lives of all who are suffering
and give them hope.
We ask this in the name of Jesus.
Spirit of Trust
Faithful God,
You create the air we breathe
and the earth we stand on.
Send Your Spirit of Trust
to be with (name) in this pain.
Help (name) to count (his/her) blessings
and be grateful for all Your gifts of life.
This we ask in Jesus’ name.
Spirit of Wholeness
Great God of Goodness and Mercy,
You are ever kind and compassionate to all.
In the midst of sickness and suffering,
help us to know Your healing power.
Bless us with Your Spirit of Wholeness
through Jesus, the Christ.
Blest are You, Holy God of the Universe,
You generously create life and give Your love.
Remember all of us who suffer
and help us to cooperate
with everyone assisting us.
Heal our body, heal our mind,
and heal our spirit.
This we ask in Your name.
Lord God, You created us in love
and entrust us to care for one another.
Many cares weigh heavy on my heart.
Help us to give them over
to Your Divine Son, Jesus.
We do this every time we say:
“Jesus, have mercy!”