May 1
May 1
Saint Joseph
The worker, carpenter
Lord God, Creator of the Universe,
we praise You and thank You for sharing Your goodness.
Teach us by the example of Saint Joseph,
to value the dignity of work.
Bless the work of our hands
and give us grateful hearts
for all who serve our needs.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ
Saint Joseph, PRAY FOR US.
May 3
May 3
Saints Philip and James
Nurturing God,
Your Son, Jesus, created a little community of apostles.
Saints Philip and James answered
the call to discipleship.
Enlighten our understanding of our call
and help us to be fervent in responding with love.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saints Philip and James, PRAY FOR US.
May 14
May 14
Saint Matthias
God of Wisdom,
You send Your Spirit of discernment in every age.
Since the choice fell to Saint Matthias
to be one of the twelve apostles,
help us to accept our lot in life.
Deepen our faith to proclaim
the healing love of Jesus.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Saint Matthias, PRAY FOR US.
May 15
May 15
Saint Isidore
The farmer
Loving God, Creator of the universe,
You call people to till the soil and care for the earth.
May Saint Isidore intercede for all farmers
that crops may abound upon the earth.
Help us to foster greenness and to respect the laws of nature.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ,
who lives and reigns
with you and the Holy Spirit,
now and for ever.
Saint Isidore, PRAY FOR US.
May 25
May 25
Saint Bede
scholar, monk, priest
Who knows the mind of God?
Who can understand God’s knowledge and wisdom?
(Sirach 18:2)
Eternal God of the Universe,
we praise You for Your marvelous revelation.
May venerable Bede inspire us to study
and learn from past experience.
Grant us the wisdom to know our own ignorance.
Help us to be life-long learners.
In Jesus’ name we ask this now and forever.
Saint Bede, PRAY FOR US.