July 3
July 3
Saint Thomas
God of all Faithfulness,
We praise and thank You for Your presence among us.
Like Saint Thomas, we sometimes have doubts.
Heal our wounds of disbelief
and help us to cry, “My Lord and my God.”
Increase our faith and hope
that we may follow Christ whole heartedly,
all the days of our lives.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit
now and forever.
Saint Thomas, PRAY FOR US.
July 4
July 4
Saint Elizabeth of Portugal
wife & mother
Heavenly Father,
Glory be to You for family relationships.
Give us courage to work for peace,
as Saint Elizabeth did,
that we may be called Your holy people.
Strengthen the bonds of marriage
with Your gift of reconciliation and peace.
May our charity extend to the poor,
as well as children in need.
Give us the will to be peacemakers,
through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
now and forever.
Saint Elizabeth, PRAY FOR US.
July 6
July 6
Saint Maria Goretti
child & virgin
Loving Lord Jesus,
While on earth You gathered little children to Yourself.
Enliven in us a love of spiritual values
that we may be models for all children.
May we pursue the virtue of purity
through the example of Saint Maria Goretti.
Give us Your Spirit of forgiveness
and understanding of human weakness.
This we ask in Your holy name.
Saint Maria Goretti, PRAY FOR US.
July 11
July 11
Saint Benedict
Blest are You, God, Ruler of the Universe!
Your love and compassion extends to all.
You raised up Saint Benedict
who inspired practical direction
for living the common life.
With a balance of prayer, work and leisure,
we are called to live with moderation.
Help us to discern Your wisdom and knowledge
and apply Your values to our time and place.
This we ask through our Lord Jesus Christ,
who lives and reigns with You
and the Holy Spirit
both now and forever.
Saint Benedict, PRAY FOR US.
July 13
July 13
Saint Henry
King of Germany
Almighty God,
You are faithful in every age.
Today, we remember Saint Henry’s words,
“To serve God is to rule.”
Give us strength of character
to be honest and upright
in all that we say and do.
Help us to think before we act.
This we ask through Jesus, the Christ,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
both now and forever.
Saint Henry, PRAY FOR US.
July 14
July 14
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
“Lily of the Mohawks”
Gracious God,
You give faith and hope to all people.
You call all of us to be saints.
While suffering abuse,
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha
lived a life of great holiness.
Show us a way to transform our distress
to Your honor and glory.
Help us to remember all people
who are less fortunate than we are.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Blessed Kateri Tekakwitha, PRAY FOR US.
July 15
July 15
Saint Bonaventure
bishop, doctor
All-wise and All-powerful God,
Your mercy extends to the ends of the earth.
Although Saint Bonaventure
was known for his learning and preaching,
he is remembered also for kindness and gentleness.
Give us grateful hearts for all of our gifts.
Help us praise You by sharing all that we are with others.
May we welcome You in each person we meet today.
We ask this in Jesus’ name.
Saint Bonaventure, PRAY FOR US
July 16
July 16
Our Lady of Mount Carmel
God of all ages,
You called your Prophet Elijah
to Mount Carmel
to proclaim your glory.
May we follow Elijah’s
call for prayer and penance.
Help us to honor Mary,
our lady of Mount Carmel,
by listening and responding
to Your Word.
Bless us today
and everyday,
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
July 22
July 22
Saint Mary Magdalene
God of Infinite Wonders,
You honor us by sending Your Son to live on earth.
Since Saint Mary Magdalene was the first
to whom the risen Jesus appeared,
awaken us to surprises in our life.
May we find the Good News of the day
and proclaim it with joy.
Help us to be a faithful friend
to at least one person.
This we ask through Christ our Lord.
Saint Mary Magdalene, PRAY FOR US.
July 23
July 23
Saint Bridget of Sweden
mother & religious
Praise and honor to You, Lord Jesus, the Christ!
Although You were the Son of God,
You became poor for our sake.
The noble lady, Saint Bridget,
raised her children
and dedicated her life
to helping oppressed people.
Help us to take an interest
in the issues of our day
and do what we can.
This we ask both now and forever.
Saint Bridget, PRAY FOR US.
July 25
July 25
Saint James
Holy Trinity of Love,
You show Your inner life in hospitable relationships.
Jesus called Saint James to be an apostle.
Help us respond to invitations for friendship
and the service of hospitality to one another.
May we learn to share the cup of suffering
by being available to all in need.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
for ever and ever.
Saint James, PRAY FOR US.
July 26
July 26
Saints Joachim and Ann
parents of Mary, grandparents of Jesus
God of all Hopefulness,
Your trusting Spirit is planted deeply in human hearts.
When things seem impossible,
help us to trust like Saints Joachim and Ann.
Give us insight to see the surprising gifts
in our ordinary lives.
May we honor our family heritage
with hospitable care and concern for the elderly and infirm.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saints Joachim and Ann, PRAY FOR US.
July 29
July 29
Saints Martha, Mary & Lazarus
friends & hosts of the Lord
Generous God of all gifts,
Your kindness and charity are meant to reach all people.
May the hospitality of Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus,
be a model for us.
Assist us in being warm hearted
and sharing what we can abundantly.
Today, help us to listen intently
to the message of someone we do not know.
Send this grace through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Saints Martha, Mary and Lazarus, PRAY FOR US.
July 30
July 30
Saint Peter Chrysologus
bishop, preacher
God of all knowledge and learning,
Your truth and wisdom fill the world.
Saint Peter Chrysologus revealed Your message
in ‘golden worded’ sermons.
With prayer, fasting and almsgiving,
our honored saint proclaimed
that peace is the joy of Christ,
the guardian of morals,
and the rule of justice.
Help us to understand this insight
into the Christian life,
both now and for ever.
Saint Peter Chrysologus, PRAY FOR US.
July 31
July 31
Saint Ignatius of Loyola,
soldier & founder of the Jesuit Order
God of Mystery,
You call us to loving service in many and varied ways.
Through a wounded leg, You called Saint Ignatius
from military service to become a soldier of Christ
May his example bring us through our battle on earth
to the promise and joy of heaven.
Like Saint Ignatius, may we spend our life
for the greater honor and glory of God
now and forever.
Saint Ignatius, PRAY FOR US.