Meal Prayers
Benedict as Mentor
Benedict as Mentor
Nurturing God,
You generously provide for all of our needs.
We thank You and praise You
for sending us Saint Benedict as a mentor.
Bless us with health of mind and body.
Bless the food we are about to share.
May we know in this sharing
that You have love and care for all of us,
now and for ever.
Benedict as Teacher
Benedict as Teacher
God of all goodness,
You graciously give us life and love.
May our hearts always be filled with gratitude.
May we honor both prayer and work
as Saint Benedict teaches.
Keep us mindful of those
who go without daily necessities.
Bless us and the food we are to share
through Christ our Lord.
Spiritual Inspiration & Sustenance
Spiritual Inspiration & Sustenance
God of all Creation,
You share Your goodness in many ways.
Be present at our table
and nourish us with Your Word and gifts.
Like Saint Benedict,
may we also find spiritual inspiration and sustenance.
Bless us, the food we share,
those who prepare and serve it,
in Your Holy Name we pray.
Value of Respect
Value of Respect
God of the Universe,
Your love extends to all creation.
Help us to value, respect and reverence
for all people and things
like Saint Benedict.
Bless all that we share at this table
and all who provide for our needs.
May we live in Your Spirit of loving kindness
now and forever.
Value of Hospitality
Value of Hospitality
Ever-living and Ever-loving God,
You have called us into being
and sustain us by Your grace.
May we learn from Saint Benedict
to be hospitable to all people.
Thank You for the care and concern
we receive in Your Holy Name.
Bless us and the food we share
in the name of the Father,
and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.
Value of Stewardship
Value of Stewardship
Faithful God,
You are worthy of honor and praise.
You inspire us with the life and example
of Saint Benedict.
Help us to be careful with all Your gifts
of mind, body and spirit.
May the food we share
bless us with a happy, grateful heart,
both now and forever.
Value of Justice
Value of Justice
God of Compassion,
You are ever merciful in Your Divine justice.
Enlighten our blindness
and give us hearts filled with hope.
Like Saint Benedict, may we be attentive
to the needs of the least among us
and offer our loving concern.
Bless the food and conversation at our table.
This we ask in Your Holy Name.
Gracious God of Love,
You sent Your only Son to live among us.
May we treasure our humanness
and not be afraid to ask for help.
As Saint Benedict served the needs of all,
and valued even the kitchen utensils,
help us to be attentive
to the needs and feelings of others.
Bless us and the food prepared and served
in Your Holy Name.
Holy God of our Salvation,
in wisdom, all Your ways are peaceful.
Respecting the order and variety of nature,
may we, like Saint Benedict,
make peace each day before the sun sets.
As we gather at this table,
bless the food and conversation we share.
May we find a smile and a good word
for those who serve our needs.
We ask this through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Word of God
Word of God
God of Infinite Greatness,
You reveal Yourself in Jesus, Your Son.
Inspire us with Your Divine Word.
May we cherish the scriptures as Saint Benedict did,
and find strength and courage in Your message.
Help us to discover Your Divine Presence
in the miracle of the seed and small beginnings.
Bless all that we do and say,
bless this meal that we share together
in Your Holy Name.
Common Life
Common Life
Spirit of the Living God,
You call us to live in harmony with others.
May we respect each other’s time and space,
like Saint Benedict advises.
Give us a good sense of humor
to accept the struggles of life.
Reveal Your goodness in the people and food
provided in our little world.
Thank You for these and all your gifts
which we have receive
through Christ our Lord.
All-powerful God,
You humbly came to earth, suffered and died for us.
Place your “healing hand” upon us
and nurture our starving hearts.
Help us to balance our lives with prayer, work and leisure,
following the inspiration of Saint Benedict.
Bless us and the food we share, now and forever.
Blest are You, Lord God of the Universe,
You reveal Your goodness in thousands of ways.
Saints Benedict and Scholastica lived
the common everyday life with hope.
Awaken us to the miracles of life
in all the things around us,
and in the poor and little ones.
Bless us with hearts filled with gratitude.
Bless the food we share and all who serve us.
In Your Holy Name, we pray.
Gift of a Good Word
Gift of a Good Word
Blest are You, Ruler of the Universe,
We praise and thank You for life and for love.
As we honor Saints Benedict and Scholastica,
keep us mindful of the value
of giving the gift of a good word.
Bless us with hearts overflowing with gratitude
for every act of kindness.
Be present at our table as we break bread together,
both now and forever and ever.
Gift of a Smile
Gift of a Smile
God of all that is beautiful,
there is loveliness in all Your works of creation.
With deep faith and trust,
Saints Benedict and Scholastica lived simply
with grace and gentleness.
Help us to know that a most precious gift,
is a smile of recognition.
Bless us as we gather at this table.
Bless all who provide for our needs.
We are grateful for the nourishment of this meal.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
Spirit of the Living God,
all Your paths are peaceful,
As Saints Benedict and Scholastica
were seeking You in prayer and silence
help us to value solitude.
Bless us and the food we share
through Jesus, the Christ, our Lord.
Wise Discernment
Wise Discernment
Spirit of Wisdom,
You have designed all of nature
and hold it in harmony.
With Saints Benedict and Scholastica,
teach us to seek God
and to discern good from evil,
and choose the highest good.
Thank You for all the people gathered here.
and for all that nourishes us
in mind, body and spirit.
Bless us, our families and friends,
both now and forever.
Holy Trinity of Love,
You show us the value of community.
As Saints Benedict and Scholastica
valued harmonious relationships,
help us to make and keep friends.
With gratitude for all Your gifts,
we share this meal and conversation.
May all we do and say
be to Your greater honor and glory.
The Cross
The Cross
God of Compassion,
You sent Your Divine Son to live among us.
It was in the cross that Saints Benedict and Scholastica,
found the light of the gospel message.
Give us insight to patiently share
in the sufferings of Christ.
As You nourish our bodies,
also sustain our spirits.
Bless us and this food we share
through Christ our Lord.