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Madonna Veterans’ Breakfast draws a crowd

By Gretta Becay – Byron Review

Madonna Summit Housing Manager Marie Peterson and Veteran Robert Melin visited before the third annual Veterans’ Breakfast hosted by Madonna Summit on Nov. 8.

Photo by Gretta Becay

Veterans and their spouses trickled into the Madonna Summit Veterans’ breakfast Nov. 8 beginning at 8 a.m. but by 8:30 a.m., the tables were filling up and, as one man said, “It’s a nice place for conversation and some good food.” Some came early because they had other things to get to. One man said it’s the day the Lions Club puts out flags and he had to go help with that. The chef, Joshua Wilkemeyer, is a 4-year Marine veteran and he respectfully served the group and thanked them individually for their service. Housing Manager Marie Peterson organized the event. “I love my veterans,” she said, her eyes twinkling, and she headed off to welcome the next group into the event. Annie Kee, the Spiritual Care Director for the Madonna Living Community of Rochester, gave the prayer at the beginning of the event. She prayed, in part, “We pray that you will bless them for their unselfish service in the continual struggle to preserve our freedoms, our safety, and our country’s heritage, for all of us.” And from all of us, thank you for your service.