Benedictine Living Community-Crookston named Chamber’s Large Business of Year
March 19, 2021Mike Christopherson, Managing Editor of The Crookston Times published the following article about Benedictine-Crookston’s recent community recognition:
Unable due to the COVID-19 pandemic to host its annual celebration, dinner and awards banquet, the Crookston Area Chamber of Commerce this week presented its annual awards to businesses and other recipients via Facebook Live on the Chamber’s Facebook page.
The Large Business of the Year Award was presented to Benedictine Living Community – Crookston, formerly the Villa St. Vincent/The Summit. Chamber Board Chair Lance Norman presented the award to BLC – Crookston Administrator Judy Hulst.
On its Facebook page, the Chamber stated the following:
“There are not enough words to describe the challenges many of our health care facilities have faced this past year, the (Villa St. Vincent) has kept safety, and the very best of services at the core of duties. They continually look for creative ways to care for their residents and build community engagement. We care about all of you as much as your care about those you provide quality care for. Thank you so very much for your service. Keep up the excellent work.”
In addition, our very own Volunteer Coodinator, Ashley Persson-Melsa was recognized:
Ashley Persson-Melsa of Ashley Melsa Photography is the recipient of the Chamber Champion Award. Here’s what the Chamber had to say about her:
“If you know Ashley, you know she is involved in something fun and engaging. Throughout this past year she has actively served on the Women’s Leadership Network Committee and our Special Events Committee. She initiates community engagement activities to collaborate with the Crookston Area Chamber with the desire to ‘grow’ Crookston! She eagerly represents the residents she works for as a volunteer coordinator to help them feel connected to their families and our local community. What a champion!”